Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day 2011 is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 30 in 2011). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War. It was extended after World War I to honor Americans who have died in all wars.
Memorial Day often marks the start of the summer vacation season, and Labor Day its end.
Begun as a ritual of remembrance and reconciliation after the Civil War, by the early 20th century, Memorial Day was an occasion for more general expressions of memory, as ordinary people visited the graves of their deceased relatives, whether they had served in the military or not. It also became a long weekend increasingly devoted to shopping, family get-togethers, fireworks, trips to the beach, and national media events such as the Indianapolis 500 auto race, held since 1911 on Memorial Day.

We spent this Memorial Day at Pickwick Lake like we do EVERY year! It was especially nice this year temperature wise...not too hot and breezy.  We had  Katie and Ryan Hughes and their three boys stay with us. We also spent the weekend with the Regis Family. Good times had by all.  I always get the kids red, white, and blue swimsuits (someday they will not want to do this I am sure) and take their picture. Can you believe how big or should I say "old" they all are??? GORGEOUS KIDDOS!  Ally 13, Abby 12, and Oney 9. 

I can't believe we have had our Pickwick house for 10 years this Summer. I will never forget moving in when I was pregnant with Oney.  I was having a tough time to say the least and I sat in the blue leather chair and pointed my finger while Sandra, Ginger and Daphne organized my kitchen.  Time has FLOWN by...I just thought I was busy then! 

We had a blast with our new "toy' the Sea Doo Wake. I think everyone got a chance to ride or drive it multiple times.  I am super proud of my kids (ALL three of them) for their level of responsibility with it this weekend.  They can be a handful at times but when it comes to their maturity and responsibility I would put them against ANY kid their age! Ally and Steven actually were pulled over by TWRA to conduct a standard check.  We had rehearsed the scenario with the girls several times to try to prepare them. She did great! She offered her registration and license and passed with flying colors. WOW...her Dad and I were so proud:)

Ally and Steven pulling tubers.

Ryan, Porter and Will cutting up!

Lori and SPORTS mode, of course!

Katie, Duncan and I taking a smooth cruise.

Ally and Jud testing out the tube connector (that I broke later in the day).

Abby riding solo.

Maddye and Ally flirting with the Lake.

Check out our faces...Judson and I finally got to slip away for a half a second...just the two of us!

Maddye and Abby...the excited ones! Probably not a great pair???
Did I mention that everyone rode (I didn't get pics of everyone) and that we had to fill up with gas EVERYDAY?!

Duncan Blue Hughes...the "prettiest" boy ever (besides Oney of course)! He was so good all weekend-my girls LOVED having the Hughes family. Duncan found the snacks!
Katie is rethinking her naming of Duncan could have been Jud with a lifetime of groceries?

I got Lori to take our picture since we never seem to get one of the two of us. 

We didn't really get into the water sports much since the water was still COLD and it was a Holiday Weekend.  Here are a few pictures of the brave ones...

BROTHERS...and a couple from ANOTHER MOTHER...

Those Regis boys are just dying to be "Naifeh Boys"!

I am ending this long, Holiday post with my two FAVORITE men in my life.  The are so ALIKE that it is SCARY! I can't believe that that is my baby boy and the fifth grader that I fell in love with 25 years ago...WOW...time flies!

Judson and Oney