Sunday, August 21, 2011


Oney got "phase one" of his braces off a couple of weeks ago. His teeth look so wonderful! He was a thumb sucker and had terrible buck teeth...I wasn't sure if his teeth would EVER be right or not. I will try to find a picture to post of his teeth before so you can see just how bad they were. He looks GREAT! He will be without braces until he loses the rest of his baby teeth...he still has 9!

Ally and Abby had to get impressions last week. They are FINALLY getting their "phase two" braces off in two weeks! The impressions were for their special retainers that they will have to wear for 4-6 weeks. These retainers will force them to keep their mouth shut when they have it in their mouth. They will have to wear it for 48 hours straight only taking it out to eat or drink or communicate.  After the first weekend, then they will only wear it a couple hours in the afternoon and at nighttime.

We think the retainers will be ready by Friday. If so, we will have a VERY QUIET weekend at home with movies, ipod, computers and couch time!

Dr. Werner had a photo contest for the silliest picture in their t-shirt for a back to school shopping spree. Guess what??? We won it! We submitted two pictures...

here is the one that won!

Thanks Dr. Werner for the Visa gift card! I can't wait to post pictures of the girls' teeth without braces! They are going to look so different! Oh, and the assistant doing Abby's impressions is our favorite, Jenni! We LOVE her so much!