Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Football Homecoming Court

Pep Rally

The girls were able to pick a football player from their homerooms to escort them at the pep rally. Abby chose Jack Owen and Ally (could pick 2 since she was in 8th grade) chose Brodie Starnes and Nathan Smith. Those were all some good looking kids!

Meredith and Oney were cheering for their siblings during the pep rally!

Beautiful Sisters with Beautiful Blue Eyes!

The dresses...they both knew before we went shopping that they wanted BLUE! It is definitely one of their best colors. I loved them both...they have great taste!

WOW...What more can I say??? How gorgeous is my family?!?! Oney did a great job being Abby's escort. I was really proud of him.

The 2011 Football Homecoming Court

Our AWESOME "old" babysitter...Anna Laura McGowan



 The "Townsend Family"

The "Naifeh Family"

Ally was crowned Queen! WOW...WHAT A SURPRISE! We were not expecting it at all! We had talked to the girls all week, as well as, as we drove to the school that night about what an honor it is just to be nominated on the court and that it wasn't about winning. I wished that there didn't have to just be ONE winner...Ally and Taylor have been close friends since they were tiny. I just hated that one of them would be disappointed that night. They both handled it with class! I have never been more proud of the both of them!

Best Friends

Mom's surprise reaction when they announced Ally as the Homecoming Queen...THANKS James Hightower for capturing my expression! I LOVE this picture!

I know that I have already posted this picture. It is just so good of all of us and we all have a natural "happy" smile. May have to be part of our Christmas card this year.

How funny is this picture...look at the top one and then the bottom one. Do you see someone sneaking into the second picture??? CUTE!

Our Preacher, Tim Carpenter

Boy do my kids have a lot of it!

Ally with her football friends

Parade Pics

Homecoming was an exciting, action packed, fun filled yet exhausting week. We made lots of memories with our friends, family, and school. We are always excited to see homecoming come and just as excited to see it pass. Thanks to our families and friends for everything they did that week to help us out...everything from driving kids, styling hair, loaning earrings, loaning convertibles, etc. We couldn't have done it without you all!


Erin Branscom said...

I love your blog! :) I became a follower! :) Erin