I had a new APP on my Iphone called Hunt Cal. I became obsessed with it and started relying on it way too much (thanks Mike Barker)! It was 100% accurate some days and other days it was horribly wrong. I do think if you take into account the weather for that day, it was a pretty useful tool. At least the movement times were fairly accurate.
Some things I love about deer hunting...
stillness...alone time...nature...God time...beauty...creation...soul searching...sunrises...sunsets...leaves falling...the chase...the thrill...the kill...family time...cool weather...quiet...me time...
Deer hunting is the ONE and ONLY thing that I feel like I selfishly do for myself. I drop lots of more important tasks and head to the deer stand. I let my laundry pile up, we order takeout for dinner, the trash can overflows, I am late to pickup kids, I fall asleep talking to my husband at night, my paperwork and emails pile sky high, we run out of milk and bread at home (yes, even though we own a grocery store)...you get the picture!
Even though I have "the mother's guilt", I do it anyway...for MYSELF!
Yes...sometimes I do feel a little...CRAZY...going hunting by myself...leaving my kids behind....needing to be at work instead of the deer stand...but once I get in the stand it is ALL worth it!
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