Saturday, May 24, 2014

Prepping for Pickwick

Guys golfing and after drinks...

Oney helping me pick up my Mother's Day adirondacks for the front porch
I love them!

My chore partner...helping me get the flower beds spruced up

Time to play a little now

Gorgeous girls of mine


STUMPY'S has the BEST snow cones 

Abby ROCKED the jet pack...Judson did pretty good too! I can't find the pics of him...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Field Trip...Discovery Park of America

Field Trip...Discovery Park of America...Union City, TN

Me and Amy McIntosh...Silly Moms...It is my job to embarrass my children-right? I am doing a fantabulous job!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Daffodils or Buttercups

Oney and My favorite thing to do in the Spring...

Heritage and a Heart

I have NEVER seen a kid be more appropriately named than my son, Oney Naifeh. I will never forget when Judson and I found out we were having a boy. We knew we wanted a (JR) but were unsure of what to call him...Judson/Jud/William/Oney??? We were worried that "Oney" just would be weird for a baby...BOY DID WE PICK THE RIGHT NAME. He LOVES and EMBRACES his name. He is so much like Oney that it is scary. As we were cleaning out some of the storage units of the last few bits of Oney and Adele's stuff, Oney just clung to some of the "treasures". 
Oney working hard polishing brass and silver. 
Adele's signature mark-her name written with a sharpie on all of her silver pieces.

A hookah...

Oney's famous bicycle that he rode for MILES. I think it has seen its better day.

I'm NOT Tired

Famous last words of a child..."I am NOT tired", Mom!  Well, here is proof that you were tired!

There is nothing more precious than a sleeping child.

I think it is time for a break from school. Everyone is exhausted.