Monday, May 19, 2014

State Bound...A Road Trip for Two

 TRA had a record breaking season in softball and baseball and both teams are headed to the state playoffs in Murfreesboro. Well, believe it or not, our school administration allowed the kids to take their exams early and attend the games. Judson and I decided to let Ally and Abby make their first big road trip alone to the games for the week. We could hardly wipe the smile off of Ally's face when she left home today. Abby  had volleyball tryouts so Ally had to go back by school and get her. Judson and I had all sorts of emotions when Ally was pulling out of that driveway. hard to even conceive that we are at this point in our lives...time flies...
One last list of "to do's and not to do's"...
Don't leave us Ally...
Oh my goodness Dana, she is really going to Nashville with her sister by herself for the week. 
Of course, Mom had her car packed with goodies for the week.
I LOVED seeing Ally's made me least I know I have taught my kids be generous everywhere they go...always share what we have and be hospitable! 

The "Rocks" at school today...our newest little tradition. Pretty cool! Go TRA Rebels and Lady Rebels!