Thursday, November 27, 2014


After being at Duck Camp since Sunday, I think Ally and Oney missed seeing each other. Me and the kids met Judson and Oney at the lake for Thanksgiving. We only stayed two nights...a quick in and out. The first night we just vegged.

Thanksgiving with my girls.

Me and Oney...I missed him too...
Judson and I 
Dad and his girls
Mom and HER girls

Look at that TURKEY
A "Burlison" tradition...field corn
A Thanksgiving FEAST for Sure
Can you tell my family was hungry?!
Look at that plate! 
The "kid" table...boy has it changed since a few years ago...
And there you have it...the aftermath of Duck Camp...ZZZZZZZZZZ

Britt's sweet touch to the meal...scripture
My personal favorite...DESSERTS