Wednesday, January 7, 2015


red velvet cake
stop your rambling now kids
Elvis music blaring from the old stereo in the den
german chocolate cake
canning vegetables for an army of people
tearing into her presents like a child
poor man soup
bath powder by the gallon
pink Avon bath bubbles
fresh clothes off the clothes line
a pressure cooker whistling in the kitchen
chicken and dumplings
how much do I love you?a bushel & a peck and a hug around the neck-three turds & thats all
"Aunt Joyce"
walking to church in her heels with her Bible in hand
fresh coconut cake
dancing with Papa
wearing her "duster" all day long
a wood burning fire
sweet tea
an antique phone in the kitchen
clothes "pressed" to a t
I love you Mee-Maw..."I do you too"
a pot of coffee
antiques galore
sour krout
burnt orange day lilies
a tablecloth on every table
a 7 course meal for "dinner" and "supper"
making funny faces like nobody else
8 track tapes
a fresh hairdo each week
a floor lamp