Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Souvenirs from Camp

Well, we are all finally under one roof.  The first picture is of the group of boys that were in Oney's cabin at Victory Ranch. The second is of the TRA kids in student council that went to camp. 

It is nice to all be at home in our own beds. The suitcases have all been unpacked and put back in the attic for awhile. Which means...Summer is coming to a close.  It is so weird how in May we are all SO ready for school to be out and for a "break" from the whole routine. Then by August, we are all SO ready for school to start and for a "routine" and some structure in our day.The kids brought home a couple of souvenirs from camp...an ungodly amount of dirty laundry and a staph infection!


Yep...lucky me...I know that is what you are thinking! I had so much laundry to do that I kept a piece of paper in the utility room to make a mark each time I put a load in the washer over the weekend. Anyone want to guess how many loads I did...5....10...nope....16 LOADS! And I think I have given 12 betadine baths on the staph infected leg! The things you do...But, how soon it all passes...All of my laundry is done and the clothes and bags are put away. The staph is healing rapidly and we have moved on to preparing for back to school.


Emily said...

Wow! You are super mom! Looks like the kiddo's had a great time!