Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Fignicking?!

Who has a "fig nicking" you ask? What is a "fig nicking" you ask? Well, I bet if you asked any Lebanese person they could tell you or at least make a good guess! Sandra hosted a "Fig nicking" on Sunday and had "all the Lebanese" from Memphis come and join us!

A "fig nicking" is...

a Summer PARTY or picnic
where everyone invited is either LEBANESE by birth or marriage
and you EAT tons of food
and you DRINK lots of cocktails
and you tell lots of STORIES
and talk really LOUD
and you meet people you've met 1000 times before
and you PICK FIGS!

Sandra and Joe have done a great job maintaining their Lebanese connections. It takes work to maintain  friendships like these and they have worked hard. They are all sweet, good people and I really think it is a neat thing for our kids and us to be apart of! The Lebanese "Community" is a special are all like "family" to each other. It is really neat. It's just a Lebanese thing...take good care of your people!

The teenagers always dread things like this but I really think the kids enjoyed it. If not, then they acted the part and made their Sittie and Jidi happy for the night! Oney always has fun no matter where he is or what he is doing! He and Joseph hung out with one of Anita Harris's grandsons and had a great time!

I snapped this picture without him knowing...Susan would kill me! This is our awesome Pediatrician's, Susan Aguillard, husband, Neal Aguillard. He is a lung specialist by day and a gun manufacturer by night! No really, his hobby is making guns for police departments! How cool is that? Susan's hobby is being on the Board at St. Jude and serving as much time as possible at that place! They have one daughter and are just the sweetest family. They have been so good to me and my family. I could never repay them for the many late night calls, house calls for red ears/fever, texting diagnosis of rashes/bug bites, etc. She ALWAYS answers her phone for me and ALWAYS has time for my family! She is the BEST pediatrician EVER! I know Neal is a lucky man to have her but Im not sure yet what attracted her to Neal???  Just teasing, Neal, we love you too!!!
Look at those huge fig trees! These were actually transplanted from Oney and Adele's old house. They have four and they are loaded with figs! Everyone took their little box and went out to the trees and picked their own figs. I am not going to kid you, I just ate my first fig this week because of this party!
It was actually not bad at all.