Saturday, August 31, 2013

bUTch Please?!🏈🍊

A new Era in Tennessee Football???
bUTch PLEASE?!?!
Butch Jones does the Vol Walk for this first time as our new head Coach
It's Football Time in Tennessee! 

I get CHILLS every time I see this stadium. I have such PRIDE in my Alma mater. I do not really care where my kids go to college (well maybe a little bit), but I do want them to have this same sense of PRIDE and TRADITION in their college. 
Butch Jones really has gone "ALL OUT" in paying attention to every little detail of our program. He had several past important people in our football program at the game Saturday. I have a good feeling about just can't happen overnight. Maybe by the time Ally gets to UT (did I just say I don't care where she goes?), we will have the AWESOME program we had when Judson and I were there! That would be perfect timing!