Monday, October 21, 2013

Homecoming TRA Style

Abby's sketch of what her class visioned her float to look like. 
Oney's class working on their float. 
Ally's idea for her cookies/cupcakes for the tailgate. 

Ally and her elementary principal, Ms. Susan, the Hippie!
Their basketball coach, Sharia.
Abby's awesome float we worked really hard on!

Abby and Ms Susan!
Oney, the Pimp Daddy!!!
The three amigos and their farmer friend, Nathan

Every year for homecoming I have so much food to prepare/deliver that I have notes coming out of my ears. Check it out...

Judson and I transporting the float from the Nichols to the school. Easy does it!!!


The best entertainment...the teachers take the stage to sing and dance!Look how beautiful the sky is today!!!

Parade line up...

I love seeing Judson spending time with the kids during homecoming week. We work hard every year and do a lot at TRA but we get so much out of being there with the kids. 
Ally driving her float as tradition goes. 
Oney's class float.

The newest tradition at TRA...the "rocks"...I love that they copied UT on this tradition. They have copied Ole Miss on the Grove tradition. Two of the BEST college traditions around. 
This picture of Abby is GREAT!
Can you tell someone LOVES their little green tractor???

Sweet babies. They will be in high school before you know it. 

The girls and their friends...