Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Better Place

Early this morning Mom called and said that I needed to get to the hospital as soon as I could. She said it wouldn't be long. I jumped out of bed and raced to Ripley. Her breathing had really changed but she was still fighting...hard. She just wasn't ready to give up. After all of the kids, siblings, and grandkids made it to the hospital...she finally gave in and let go. Oh it was hard but oh it was time. 

I have never had peace with my Papa's death. Never. I have had many nightmares, sleepless nights. and weird feelings and thoughts since that day.  He committed suicide when I was 16. My poor Mee-Maw was never the same. She had many tough times and I feel like most days were hard for her. But something happened today, when she passed away I had this weird calming, peaceful, feeling of closure of his death. I really can't describe it. It was a long time coming. Maybe it was just knowing she was burden free at last. 

I have many treasured memories at Mee-Maws and Papas...too many to name...but I will continue to retell them to my kids for many years. I will keep cooking many of her recipes and pass those down to my kids as well. She may not be with us anymore in body but she is forever with us in spirit. 

I love you Mee-Maw!