Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Birthday and A Snow Day

Happy Birthday to Judson! 

A year ago, we celebrated Judson's 40th with a weekend long event at Pickwick Lake. It was a perfect weekend! I am still amazed that I was able to pull off a surprise! I don't think I could ever do it again, but I sure am glad I did it! This is one of my favorite pictures from the weekend. He wore his crown I bought him most of the night...he was enjoying the moment! 

We had a low key celebration this year...cake and ice cream and a home cooked meal just the five of us. It was kind of nice actually. Then we watched a movie together. This was Judson's cake.

Can you believe we had a snow (ice) day today? I cannot remember the last time we had two nights at home with no practice, no games, no meetings, etc. It had to be before Oney's football season. It has been so nice the last two nights being able to relax a bit and not have to rush from here to there. This picture is me in front of a fire again! I could get used to this sort of routine.

Happy Birthday Judson...we LOVE you!