Sunday, January 13, 2013

Racing to Rosies...AKA Aunt Jan's

Friday, after Abby's basketball game at FACS (which they won), she and I took off to Nashville for the weekend. We got there late Friday. We visited with Aunt Jan for a few minutes and then crashed! We are always worn out on Fridays! 

Abby had to attend a TASC State Board Meeting all day Saturday at Ravenwood High. Jan was nice enough to drive Abby to her meeting and leave me in bed for a couple extra hours! I think I actually could have stayed there ALL day long! It was a nasty day/weekend as far as weather. 

Jan and I were able to have a nice lunch at Burger Up and just catch up. Since I was so sick over Christmas, I didn't feel like we had our usually time together...I felt a little cheated! After lunch, we went to the shoe store, Off Broadway, a Nashville tradition. I got a couple pairs of shoes for $30.00! Thanks Jan for the coupons! 

After we picked Abby up, we went to a couple dance dress stores for her to look for a Valentine's Dance dress. We were a couple weeks too early...not much available yet. Then we headed back to Jan's for the night. We ordered Carrabbos to go and put on our pj's. Jan had a party to pop in to and the minute she left for that, Abby and I raced to the bed to just "veg"! The picture below is us laying in bed watching the Miss America pageant. 

This is Abby wearing my neck brace like a goofus! She is such the little entertainer...always has been!

The Denver Broncos lost to the Baltimore Ravens. We were flipping back and forth between the game and the pageant. This tweet really caught our attention. I am not a Ray Lewis fan, but ...

When we left Nashville Sunday morning, it was about 67 degrees. I didn't take a picture exactly when we left. When we pulled into our garage, it was 37! Holy cow! I NEVER turned my windshield wipers off. It was the most miserable drive ever!!! 

We always enjoy going to visit Aunt Jan. We always ask ourselves when we leave, "Why don't we come visit more often"? One word...LIFE! Thankful to Jan for being a great hostess! We look forward to coming back in about six weeks when Abby has to come back for the Convention!