Friday, January 22, 2016

Friends, Food & Fun

So, the 20 feet of snow did not make it here, sadly. But, we did get enough to get a day off from school. The first thing we do on a snow day is call the stores to make sure they have power and everything is working ok. Then we ask for a picture to see the parking lot and what needs to be done. 

Not a big deal at either store this time. Just business as usual. 

Dad gets the sleds when it snows and Mom becomes a short order cook and laundry girl/maid. And I I love doing it!!!! Having the kids pop in and out is just what I want to be doing!

Oney  and his friends pulled up with this dead deer carcus! I swear that boy...I never know what he is going to bring home. 

Ally had all of her friends spend the night last night....

You KNOW they LOVE to eat! 

Oney and Bennett showing off for the girls.
Hayden and Abby's pics from their photo shoot:-)

They are just too cut together. 

This picture doesn't really do it justice but our town square is simply stunning, especially when it snows. Our small town is so charming.