Friday, August 10, 2012

Counting the Weekends? Making the Weekends Count!

Neat idea from the iMom daily newsletter. The topic for the day a few weeks ago was the number of days you have with your children and how important it is to make the BEST of those days and making them COUNT! This gives your family a "visual" of the time you have left.

All you need to do this project is some marbles and glass jars. I went ahead and did this for all three of my kids even though it is a few years premature for Oney. So here is what you do. 

Count the number of Saturdays that you have left until you child turns 18. Put that many marbles in a jar. Each Saturday, take out a marble. Then realize that you can never get that day back!

It was startling to see how few marbles Ally and Abby have in their jars. Oney's jar is overflowing and he actually has a few in a ziploc that wouldn't fit..

Here are a few statistics that will open your eyes to the passing of time. 

If your child was born last week, then you only have 936 weekends left with him or her until they turn 18.

If your child was born last week, then you only have 6570 days left with him or her until they turn 18.

There are only 168 hours in a week. Do you make yours count?

Ally has 178 marbles, Abby has 233, and Oney has 376 give or take a few. I am sure I will have to do some "recounting" when we get closer to their 18th birthday. However, it is eye opening to think that Ally only has 178 weekends with us before she turns 18! Wow! We must make those some good times!