Sunday, March 3, 2013

Member of the Year

A few short months ago, Abby had a disappointing election in student council. She ran for President and lost the election. She already held the State Title of West Tennessee Representative, but she so wanted to be the President. 

I explained to her the day she lost that she didn't need a "title" to take charge of and lead her council. I encouraged her to proceed with her goals and visions and continue to give 110% in everything she did. Guess what? She did all that and much more! She has worked her rear off and loved every minute of it. 

She was awarded the "Member of the Year" at the State Convention! Talk about a proud Momma! She has made me SO PROUD all year in her work ethic, morals and kind heart. She has so many times done "the right thing" when it hurt, and turned the other cheek on others disappointing actions.The Middle School years are so hard and I am PROUD of you Abby! You have made me and your Daddy beam with PRIDE! See...the CREAM does rise to the TOP!